Last Updated: June 7, 2021

Kimmswick Shop for the Cure

Join Team Kimmswick
Support the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure!
JUNE 10th 2017 is RACE DAY &
KIMMSWICK’S 9th Annual

Here’s how you can help:
1.Join “Team Kimmswick” and walk or run the 5K race in downtown St. Louis on Saturday, June 10th!

Or if you are unable to attend the race:

2.Come to Kimmswick to EAT and SHOP for the cure! On June 10th & 11th the town is going PINK and we hope to fill the town with supporters, friends, and survivors!
Dine at The Blue Owl or Dough Depot, then browse the town in your Race for the Cure t-shirt, watch for special events from participating merchants. A percent of your purchases will be donated to cancer research by participating Kimmswick Merchants.

3.Can’t join us on the 14th? Support “Team Kimmswick” by registering online with a donation. This won’t be as much fun, but your donation will go a long way to fight breast cancer.

Be sure and select TEAM KIMMSWICK to join or make a donation!

Betteanne 636.464.3360
Jodi 636.4642028

Thank you for your support. See you on June 15th!

About the Author Anna Timbrook

Anna is the co-owner of expert world travel and can't wait to share her travel experience with the world. With over 54 countries under her belt she has a lot to write about! Including those insane encounters with black bears in Canada.