Last Updated: February 13, 2022

Most Popular Drinks In Germany (Other Than Beer)

While beer is the most popular drink in Germany by a mile, we are not going to focus on German beers in this article.

Instead, we are going to take a look a the most popular drinks in Germany that aren’t beer, as oddly enough, Germans are drinking less beer than ever and this is probably something to do with the other delicious drinks they have available

Join me as we take a look at the most popular drinks in Germany so that you know which ones to look out for on your next visit and even make some of them at home.



Image courtesy of Rebecca

Apfelschorle is one of the most popular non-alcoholic drinks in Germany and it is enjoyed by all ages from young kids to their grandparents.

Luckily for everyone, Apfelschorle is an incredibly easy drink to make and all you have to do is mix some apple juice, around 40%, with carbonated fizzy water, around 60%.

You don’t even have to make this rather simple German drink if you don’t want to as there are various brands that have put it in a bottle and it’s available in all the convenience stores, supermarkets, and most restaurants.

Apfelschorle is a delicious and incredibly refreshing drink that is drunk all year round but especially during the summertime. The low sweetness and fizz combination is what makes this such a popular drink in Germany and also a great one for kids to enjoy too.


Another very popular drink in Germany is one you probably haven’t heard of Eierlikör. Eierlikör directly translated pretty much means Egg Liqueur and one could say is a bit like the German version of EggNog, but you shouldn’t say that in Germany.

The base for the German egg liqueur, Eierlikör, is a mixture of raw egg yolks, brandy or rum, sugar, and spices such as vanilla. It’s made with a strong alcoholic content and is quite sweet as well.

If you want to make Eierlikör at home, you need to be sure to use very fresh eggs, maybe add a little whipped cream to the recipe, and at the end, heat the drink up to remove any risk of salmonella.

Eierlikör is also served hot, which might come as a surprise, and generally, people love it or hate it. It has an acquired texture as I’m sure you can imagine.


While we know that Germans love beer more than anything else, you might like to know that wine takes second place in popularity in Germany. While wine is a popular drink in Germany, Riesling is the most popular wine drunk in Germany and it’s also grown there.

German vineyards date back to the 1500s when a reformed church-goer began planting vines with the attitude that “Beer is made by a man while wine comes from God”. I’m not sure if he had a point but it’s nice that Germany makes its own wine.

Riesling is usually grown in the Rhine region of Germany as well as other countries in Europe such as Austria, but the best tasting Riesling is from Germany.

The best thing about riesling is how diverse it is. It comes with high natural acidity and can be dry, medium-dry, medium-sweet, or sweet too. This makes it very easy to pair a lot of food types.



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One of the most popular drinks in Germany during the Christmas period is a delicious little treat on the lips called Glühwein.

Glühwein is pretty much the German version of mulled wine and is made by combining red wine with spices such as cloves, star anise, cinnamon, as well as some sugar and a dash of orange zest.

Glühwein, however, isn’t always made with red wine as in some regions of Germany it’s also made with white wine. It’s also quite traditional to order your Glühwein with a side shot of either schnapps or rum.

If you’re ever visiting Germany over the Christmas period make sure to have a glass of Glühwein and pair it with some festive snacks such as roasted chestnuts, glazed almonds, and soft pretzels.

It’s thought that Glühwein was first made with old wine just before it went off which was then heated and the taste-masked with the sugar and spices.


If you’re in Frankfurt then the most popular drink you’re going to see at most bars and markets is a little tipple called Apfelwein. Apfelwein, as you might have guessed from the name, is a wine made from apples and is quite similar to cider but also a little different too.

Unlike cider, Apfelwein doesn’t have any bubbles in it, and thus is not sparkling and this is on purpose as the Apfelwein makers let the gas leave during the making process. It also uses a special variety of apples that are low in sugar which gives it a much less sweet taste than normal cider.

Apfelwein is actually quite a sour drink, and it’s not a taste that everyone likes so there is a different version of it. By mixing Apfelwein with lemonade and thus making a kind of “cider shandy” you get Süßgespritzter which is the sweet fizzy version.


I know I said that we were going to avoid beer in this article but we kind of have to make an exception in Radler’s case, and it’s not 100% beer. But it is still pretty famous both in Germany and outside too!

It’s hardly surprising that a beer cocktail is one of the most popular drinks in Germany and Radler is probably a drink you have tried before. Radler is made by mixing beer with lemonade, so yes, a shandy.

The most interesting thing about Radler is its origin story. Apparently in 1992 thousands of cyclists ended up at Franz Kugler’s pub in Deisenhofen after a biking event of some kind.

Trying his best to fulfill the thousands of beers that were ordered that day, the bartender decided to mix the beer with lemonade when he realized that he was starting to run out. He gave the new drink he made the name Radlermass which means cyclist liter.


A very popular German drink you have most certainly heard of is Schnaps. Schnaps is a German spirit that comes in many different flavors and one that everyone in Germany drinks.

Schnaps is made by fermenting fruit with the liquor which gives it quite a high alcohol content so be sure not to drink too much of it in one go. Or do, and have a great time and a mega hangover.

The word Schnaps comes from the word “schnappen” meaning snap and hence why Schnaps is drunk as a quick shot. But, Schnaps is also used in a lot of popular cocktails too such as Sex On The Beach and even Bellinis.

Peach schnapps is the most common variety you’re likely to find in the bars of Germany but it comes in hundreds of flavors including different herbs, spices, and even butterscotch.


This German drink is incredibly popular in the summer and it’s non-alcoholic so everyone can enjoy a bit of KiBa, and kids love it too.

The word Kiba comes from Kirsch Banane which is exactly what the drink is made of. Kiba is a mixture of Kirsch, cherry juice, and Banane, banana juice. It’s pretty much a banana-based cherry smoothie and it’s absolutely delicious, and even more so when served cold on a hot summer’s day.

Another great thing about Kiba is how great it looks. The yellow banana juice stays on the bottom while the red cherry sits on top.



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Bowle is another of the most popular German drinks during the summer and it might be described as a festive Pimms.

Bowle is made from mixing a bunch of flavorful drinks with the main ingredient being white wine along with a bunch of fruits that ferment in the big jug that it is made in. Soda water along with champagne might also be added to give it a bit of fizz too.

Bowle comes in many varieties such as melon, pear, strawberry, and lots more. You can pretty much name a fruit and you’ll find a Bowle version of it served somewhere in Germany.

If you’re ever at a festival in Germany during the summer, Bowle is the ideal refreshing beverage for drinking during the day.


Spezi is a popular drink in Germany but it’s probably the most popular non-alcoholic drink in Bavaria. Spezi is a bit of a weird drink when you look at the ingredients as it’s made by mixing orange soda with cola, which sounds terrible but it’s actually delicious and super refreshing.

Spezi is also a branded bottle drink sold in most convenience stores across the country. It’s actually such a popular drink that it’s the only non-alcoholic drink served in the beer halls at Oktoberfest, which is saying something.

If you find yourself in Bavaria on a warm day searching for a refreshing drink you haven’t tried, make sure to order a Spezi. You can even add some vodka or whiskey to it if it’s late at night.

About the Author Roger Timbrook

Roger is a little obsessed with travel. He has been to over 40 countries, broken 3 suitcases and owned over 10 backpacks in 12 months. What he doesn't know about travel, ain't worth knowing!

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